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Ready for the biggest transformation and 


You are at a point in your life where you just don´t know how to continue?

We live in challenging times with a lot of insecurities and massive changes happening. That can be very upsetting and maybe it leaves you with the feeling of being lost and directionless. 

All the collective energies at the moment are only helping us though to step out of whats no longer serving and tuning in with what we really came here to do; Not only professionally speaking but in all areas of life. 

And guess what; you already hold all the wisdom and potential within you, that you need in order to make your right and correct decisions, walk your right path and step into your purpose. Most of the time we are not able to see it ourselves though and some guidance is needed to see, accept and love ourselves. 

And I would love to help you on that process! Having helped more than 1000 clients already to go through a process of deep transformation, I know how powerful the wisdom of Human Design is. I am using this revolutionary system to see your energy-body and give you a very detailed analysis of your physical, mental and emotional body. After already one reading you will start to understand yourself and how you interact best with the world and others. By going deeper into the knowledge with an advanced reading, you find actionable steps and guidance that help you apply the knowledge with ease into your life. 

You can finally stop trying to be someone you´re not and let your authentic light shine. 

Being yourself will help you attract all the right things to you, so you can live your bestlife! 

Are you ready to go on the most beautiful journey of your life and meeting the real you? 




As a 6/3 Sacral Generator I´m here to find passion in the work I do and learn through experiences. Having gone from one unfulfilling job to another in the past, to now living out my passion and purpose with teaching and coaching with Human Design. I am the living example how this powerful knowledge can change lives and I am working every day with clients to give them access to creating their dreamlife as well.


Also you deserve to find meaning and passion in what you do! 

Are you ready to find out what that is for you and transform your life?


My energy is meant to bring growth and transformation and helps people with

new starts and beginnings.

Love yourself



The Beginners Human Design Reading covers:

Your Type 

Your Energetic Strategy

Your Decision Making Process

Your Energycenters

Your Profile

No need for previous knowledge. I will guide you through the process :)

Gift Voucher




This Reading requires basic knowledge of Human Design and covers a Deepdive into the possible themes of: 



-Physical Health 

-Current Energies 

After the booking, I will get in touch with you to further determine your topic of the session. 




The Composite Char Reading analyses two Charts together and the relationship between two people. This is suitbale for: 


-Work Partners

-Parent / Child

This Reading requires to have had a Beginners Reading before or a good understanding of both parties of their own charts.

90 Minutes - 222€




The Transformation Package covers:

Beginner Reading

Consecutive Reading

Energy Reading

PDF Transformation Booklet

Affirmation Audio



Go over to YouTube can check out my content on Human Design, Personal Development and Spirituality.

Transform your life


I offer selected 1-1 mentorships for you to become a Human Design specialist. My program includes all foundational knowledge of Human Design with the following curriculum: 

1) Origin and General Understanding of HD 

2) Centers and Channels

3) Circuitry

4)  Type 

5) Authority 

6) Profiles 

7) Gates

8) Interpretation of a Chart 

9) Giving professional Readings 

10) Q&A

Meetings happen weekly over zoom and you will be given little homework to establish and practise the knowledge.

The duration of the mentorship will be approximately 3 months, but we adapt to your individual learning pace. 

After the program you will be able to give accurate readings and use it either professionally or for your personal use. 


Early Bird Price


Contact me:


I have done already around 1000 readings with clients and I am moved by the amazing feedback every time. Here just a short snippet of what clients say about my work. 


5/1 Emotional MG

From booking only a beginners reading, I already came to 4 more sessions with Leandra. She is such an expert on the theme of Human Design. The information and wisdom I got out from my sessions, were groundbreaking and transformative for me and I don´t want to miss her coaching anymore.  


3/5 Ego Manifestor

I already took 5 readings with Leandra plus all workshops. I am so enthusiastic about it, because it just improved my life on so many levels and I came to understand my self so much more. Leandra does the readings with so much passion and dedication, that it impacts me every time. 


5/2 Splenic Projector

I already had 3 readings with Leandra and through that, became such a fan of Human Design. She has the special skill of explaining the themes in a very approachable way. Her positive energy and passion for Human Design is also infectious and I always feel so motivated and inspired after  the sessions. Her work is so transforming, healing and therapeutic. 


4/6 Sacral Generator

I "randomly" discovered Leandra while searching for a podcast on Human Design in August 2022.  Since then, I've had three readings, each one getting into more detail.  Leandra has a calm, gentle energy and is able to clearly explain all the various elements in a Human Design chart with clarity and simplicity.  I recommend her to everyone I know!


2/4 Emotional Manifestor

The session with Leandra brought so many insights and was very thought provoking. It helped me so much to see through my process and my transformation. Thank you so much!


1/3 Emotional Projector

I came across Leandra through a recommendation by a friend. I have taken three readings and what can I say- absolutely everyone should be informed about their personal human design, regardless if you are looking for clarity and guidance in your life. And it goes without saying that I highly recommend Leandra. She is very knowledgeable and always finds answers to my questions. I like her powerful aura and presence during the sessions. A thousand thanks again Leandra! 
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